Yang, Kia
Ms. Kia Yang
Welcome Students/Parents/Guardians,
My name is Kia Yang, and I will be your child’s 4th grade teacher for this coming school year. I look forward to teaching and working with your child and you this year to make it a great year for your child. As a community of learners, we will all be working together to meet the standards and having fun helping each other learn. We will be creating classroom rules, consequences, and our “Hopes and Dreams” during the first two weeks of school. We will be learning and working towards the 4th grade standards in reading, math, writing, social studies, and health. We will be doing blended learing using iPad and pen/pencil learning. We will be working on different arts integration units throughout the school year.
I will be sending home a bi-weekly newsletter and a progress report to inform you of your child’s progress. There will be a Homework Folder going home every day that will require parent’s signature for reading log. This folder is a mean of communication between school and home.
Students will be working in Schoology Platform, Clever Apps (Math and Reading Libraries Apps), and Reader's notebook, Writer's notebook, and Math Notebooks. Students will be responsible for charging their ipad daily and taking it to school for part of the digital learning assignments.
Transportation: Please call or send a note with your child if he/she will be a parent pick-up instead of riding his/her usual bus home by 3:00pm to the office.
Our classroom is collaborating with
Mr. Jason To (EL teacher), Ms. Bond (EL Teacher), or Mr. Ben (Special Ed. Teacher)
Please call me at 651-293-8840 ext. 47069 or email me kia.yang2@spps.org between 3:05-4:00pm if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child.
Ms. Kia Yang
Phone: 1-651-293-8840 ext. 47069
GoogleVoice Phone: 1-651-252-4503 text or message
Email: Kia.Yang2@spps.org