Shuster, Daniel
Developmental and Adapted Physical Education Teacher
What is Developmental Adapted Physical Education (DAPE)?
DAPE is specialized instruction to allow for safe and successful gross motor participation in physical education or special education setting for those students who meet initial Minnesota eligibility criteria. St Paul Public Schools follows the philosophy and standards of the National Association for Sports and Physical Education when determining if the development or achievement and independence in school, home and community settings are inadequate to allow success in the regular Physical Education. We assess looking at the whole child and any needs identified in the following domains: psychomotor, cognitive, affective, and physical fitness. (NASPE, 2013)
According to our Minnesota DAPE Best Practice Operational Guide, (Sept, 2012) Developmental Adapted Physical education is specifically designed physical education instruction and services for students with disabilities who have a significant delay or disorder in physical development. Developmental Adapted Physical Education instruction for pupils age 3-21 may include development of physical and motor fitness, fundamental motor skills and patterns, individual and group games and sports. Students with conditions such as obesity, temporary injuries, and short term illness or disabilities are termed special needs students. Special needs students are not eligible for Developmental Adapted Physical Education.
The DAPE teacher is a direct service provider, not a related service provider, because physical education for children with disabilities is a federally mandated component of special education services. This means that physical education needs to be provided to the students with a disability as part of the special education services that a child receives. This is in contrast to physical therapy and occupational therapy which are related services. (MN DAPE Best Practice Operational Guide, September, 2012)