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Lema, Christine

Mrs. Lema

My name is Mrs. Lema and I am the W.I.N.N. Reading Teacher here at Mississippi Creative Arts School. W.I.N.N. stands for What I Need Now. I work with small groups of students in grades K-2. I have been in the field of education for 27 years! I have been a classroom teacher, an academic intervention teacher, and I spent several years as a math coach.  I love teaching and being with the kids!

Fun Facts about Mrs. Lema:

I have 2 sons in college (Benjamin and Calvin) and a husband named Tony.

I have a German Shepherd named Elsa and a cat named Hobbes.

My first teaching job was in Costa Rica. I had 12 students in grades 1-3 and I lived in a cloud forest!

I love going to our cabin up North!

I love canoeing, camping, hiking, and paddleboarding.