Johnson, Lindsay
Mrs. Johnson
Hi Mississippi Creative Arts! My name is Mrs. Johnson (formerly Ms. Sommer) and I am a full-time school counselor here at MCAS! This is my second year as a school counselor, and I am so excited to continue working with Mississippi students and families. When I am not at school, I love to walk my dog Thor, share meals with friends and family, do yoga, or read a good book on the couch!
Office: (651) 744-1327
Call/Text: (651) 647-1153
Classroom Counseling Lessons
We teach in every classroom weekly throughout the school year and have a chance to interact with every student throughout these lessons. Topics of the lessons are data driven and tailored to each grade level on a variety of topics, such as bullying prevention, self-esteem, solving conflict, positive relationships, growth mindset, accepting differences, exploring culture and identity, career and college exploration, personal learning plans, safety, readiness for Middle School, leadership, and more!
Small Group Counseling
We offer a variety of small group counseling based on student need throughout the year. Small group counseling benefits students who may need a little extra dose of time and support developing academic, emotional, or relationship skills along with other peers. Groups are scheduled in collaboration with the classroom teacher to minimize lost instruction time, typically have 3-6 members, and meet for approximately 5-8 sessions.
Individual Counseling
We also offer individual counseling for students who are experiencing a variety of challenges and/or experiences in which they would benefit from receiving support in a one on one setting.
Connecting Families with Supports They Need
We support students and families to access needed supports and services in the community. Everything from mental health therapy, housing resources, to basic needs resources and beyond. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance.
All Around Advocate & Leader for Student Support
In addition to the above direct services for students, we regularly work with other educators through a variety of school intervention, leadership, and support teams. We consult with all educators at MCAS every day working on the common goal of helping all students feel successful and engaged in their learning at MCAS. We actively collaborate with educators and stakeholders to ensure students' equitable access to their education.
We truly love our jobs and feel the awesome responsibility to do everything within our role and resources to support students through best practices.
We are forever inspired by the curiosity, resilience, and limitless potential within every child. If there is anything we can do to help your student this year, please don't hesitate to reach out!