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Campus Portal Help for Families

2024-25 Back-to-School Forms (formerly iUpdate) Instructions


Completing the Back-to-School forms (formerly iUpdate) will ensure that you receive proper services, eligible transportation and important communications by U.S. mail, phone, email or text. Families will receive phone calls and text message reminders to complete iUpdate. One parent or guardian from each primary household is expected to complete the Back to School forms.

Parents and guardians: 

  • Complete all annually-required school and district forms including the Technology Use Agreement (for student iPad use), field trip and media permission forms.
  • Add or change primary and/or alternative addresses to ensure accurate school-bus transportation to and from home and/or childcare addresses. Must complete by August 16, 2024 for transportation ​deadline.
  • Slideshow of the steps in B2S.
  • 2024-25 Back-to-School Forms Flyers: English, Hmong, Karen, Somali, Spanish

Back-to-School Forms Language Support Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access Back-to-School Forms (B2S Forms)?
Parents or guardians can log in to Campus Portal to complete B2S Forms at spps.org/onestop by using their One Stop username (the letter ‘g’ followed by six numbers, gXXXXXX) and password. Families can retrieve their usernames and reset their passwords at spps.org/onestop. An email address or mobile phone number must be listed in the child’s school record.

I'm new to SPPS. How do I find my username and password?

  • Contacting your school’s main office. School Directory

  • Call (651) 603-4348 or email familysupport@spps.org
  • Include the parent/guardian’s name, child’s name, and child’s school

What information can I complete in iUpdate?

  • Update household and contact information (phone number, email and home address) to ensure they receive important information by U.S. mail, phone, email or text.
  • Report home, alternative or day care addresses for school bus transportation.
  • Complete annually required forms, including the Technology Use Agreement (for student iPad use), field trip and media permission forms.

What is a primary household? Why can only primary households complete B2S Forms in Campus Portal?
A primary household is the address in which the student primarily lives. In order to prevent multiple submissions for the same student, only parents and guardians of a primary household may complete B2S Forms in Campus Portal. Primary households are designated in the district's student records.

Parents and guardians in secondary households may update their information through Campus Portal.

Can I change my One Stop password?
Yes. Parents and guardians may change their passwords using two different methods.

  • Self Service Method: (Please note: You must have an email address on file and listed in your child’s school records (Campus) in order to reset your password online.) Visit spps.org/onestop and click the link under RESET/RECOVER PASSWORD. Enter your username and submit. A link will be sent to your email to set a new password.
  • Contact your school's clerk to request a password change and/or username recovery. Clerks will ask for a desired password and will double-check that you have an email address on file.

Can I change my One Stop username?
No. Your assigned username (the letter G followed by six numbers) is unique to you and cannot be changed. If you forget your One Stop username, you may use the Reset/Recover Username and Password tool. One Stop usernames are similar to your child’s student ID number and allows you to access your information as it’s recorded in our Campus student record system.

How does it work when I have more than one student in SPPS? Do I need an account for each student?
No. Each One Stop account provides access to all students to whom one has guardianship in both Campus Portal and Schoology.

Does my One Stop username and password work for Campus and Schoology?
Yes. Parents and guardians will use their One Stop username and password to log into both Campus and Schoology. The links to each tool can be found at spps.org/onestop.

B2S Forms Sample Process
Click here to view the questions and prompts that will be in the Back-to-School Forms