Family/School Compact
What Is a Family-School Compact?
A Family-School Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach and exceed grade level standards. Jointly Developed with Parents
The parents at Mississippi Creative Arts helped develop this Compact for Achievement. Schoolwide meetings are held each year to update the compact. Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time.
For more information on the Compact please contact (Laurie Weestrand- Content Coach)
Activities to Support Partnerships
November 7, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
November 8, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
March 27,5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
March 28,8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Mississippi Parent Organization - Community Connect Meeting Dates
Monday October 28, 9:30AM-10:30AM
Thursday November 21, 9:30-10:30
Thursday January 30, 9:30-10:30
Thursday February 27, 9:30-10:30
Thursday March 20, 9:30-10:30
Thursday April 24, 9:30-10:30
Thursday May 15, 9:30-10:30
Visiting Classrooms
Families are welcome to visit classrooms. Please let the office know you will be visiting. Communicating about Learning
Mississippi Creative Arts is committed to communicating regularly with families about children’s learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to communicate are:
● Weekly Updates
● Monthly “check-in” through communication with Classroom Teacher
● Teachers will communicate their personal contact information at the start of the school year.
Mississippi Creative Arts students join staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and reach for the stars in math and reading and keep arts at our core. Students thought of the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school:
● Talk with my family about new vocabulary words and what I am learning in math.
● Bring home our class newsletter and notices about Family Fun nights.
● Investigate and be open to ways that I can show my learning through music, dance, visual arts and drama.
Grade Level Teams and Staff will work with students and their families to support students’ success in reading and math. Some of our key connections with families will be:
● Provide families with updated information on their student’s progress
● Provide families with tools for practicing vocabulary, reading, and math skills
● Our monthly newsletter will feature information for families to review current curriculum units of inquiry, activities and opportunities to partner and participate in the classroom
● Teachers, Parents, Students—Together for Success
Mississippi Creative Arts family and community members joined staff to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in reading and math. Families may have other ideas to add to this list.
● Plan and create events and showcases to highlight academics and arts integration.
● Attend events like showcases, monthly award assemblies
● Participate in our monthly MPO Community Connect Meetings
● Look for the class newsletter each month and check out the school website.
All students are proficient and making continuous growth in each of these academic measures: • Pre-Kindergarteners on target in reading
• 3rd graders at grade level in reading and math
• 5th graders at grade level in reading, math and science
• 7th graders ready for algebra by grade 8
• 9th graders ready for high school
• 11th graders passing GRAD test in reading, math and writing
• Capstone: Ready for college and career
• Decrease gaps and disproportionately between student groups in:
• MCA and GRAD test passage
• Advanced Course Participation
• Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) test passage • Graduation
• Gifted/Talented identification
• Special Education referrals
• Absences
• Suspensions
The percentage of students 'On Level' or 'Above Level' in grades K-5 will increase by at least 15% pts. as measured by fall, winter, spring HMH Math Growth Measure in SY24-25.
Fall 24 Baseline Overall:
Grade K: 25.4%
Grade 1: 11%
Grade 2: 7%
The percentage of grades 3-5 students scoring proficient or higher in mathematics will increase by at least 5% pts. as measured by the MCA III Mathematics Assessment administered in April 2025.
Spring 24 Baselines Overall:
Grade 3: 27%
Grade 4: 10%
Grade 5: 13%
The percentage of all K/1 students on track/at benchmark (low risk) will increase by at least 5% pts from Spring 24 to Spring 25 & flat growth will decrease by at least 10% pts. as measured by FAST Fall to Winter and Fall to Spring Growth Reports.
The percentage of grade 2 students on track/at benchmark will increase by at least 5% pts. from Fall 24 to Spring 25 and aggressive growth will increase by at least 10% pts. as measured by FAST Fall to Winter and Fall to Spring Growth reports.
Spring 24 Baseline K/1 Ontrack:
Grade K: 47.5%
Grade 1: 18.9%
Fall 24 Baseline Grade 2: 23%
The percentage of all grades 3-5 students scoring proficient or higher in reading will increase by at least 5% pts. as measured by the MCA III Reading Assessment administered in April 2025.
Spring 24 Baseline Overall:
Grade 3: 14%
Grade 4: 8%
Grade 5: 22%
Attendance- At least 85% of all students will consistently attend school
School Climate and Culture- At least 85% of all students in grades 3-5 will participate in the Student Climate Survey in the Fall 2024 and in the Spring of 2025, and
All student groups will score at least '3' on questions 1, 4, 6 and 11 and will show an overall mean score of '3' or above by Spring of 2025